ChatGPT stands for Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer which was launched in November 2022. The company that owns the rights to ChatGPT is OpenAI.
OpenAI is a company that was founded by Elon Musk and a group of investors, such as Peter Theil (who founded PayPal with Elon Musk). OpenAI has received significant investments from big tech companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and of course private funding.
The objective of OpenAI is to research and develop artificial intelligence. With the eventual goal of creating robotics, robots that can simulate human action.
Think of ChatGPT as a project made by the elites of the world. Investors range from bankers (JP Morgan), social media networks (LinkedIn/Microsoft), and ecommerce giants like Amazon.
What Can ChatGPT Do?
ChatGPT draws information from databases, and most of these databases are compiled of information drawn from the internet. Information created could be blog articles, videos, pdfs, documents, and all types of files that the AI can use to respond to requests/questions made by a user/programmer.
The AI bot can have restrictions placed on it by the software developer, there could be filters involved as well to stop/prevent the bot from taking certain actions.
ChatGPT recently was tested to see if the bot could pass the bar exam and it did (CBS News). The bot did what would be equivalent to a C+ in the quality of work. The bot is advanced enough to draw information from its database of internet information and answer the questions presented by the bar exam.
What Does This Mean For The Future?
Many parts of our life are going to be automated and based on statistics/data. Bots will collect data/analytics from surroundings, people, things, etc. Then the bot will try to interpret ways to create new actions or automation to improve/decrease the future of that said surroundings, people, and things.
The world will be completely automated if anything, hardware and software are going to be in demand due to robotics. You need material to create hardware (resources like copper, iron, gold, oil, silver, silica, aluminum, etc) and you need software (programs, apps, codes, databases, servers) to create action in the hardware, along with electrical/mechanical engineering.
It’s scary how the world might turn out but if you look at the positive side, if this technology is used for good, it could potentially eliminate most crimes/corruption/etc. But it could also be the reason why humanity loses freedom forever, imagine a society full of robotics that are programmed? Basically no heart, no emotion. Just programmed.

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