The front page of a website should be informative and about what the company offers. Include an about section that highlights past achievements and company/individual highlights. Also, be sure to list what comes with your product or service. People love to read about new products and are more than willing to learn about the items for purchase.
Sometimes people will create additional pages highlighting each feature of a service or product. Sometimes you can make up for the lack of pages by creating more blog posts.
I’ve seen websites with one page and websites with more than 20 pages, it depends on your preference and how many pages you want. Sometimes a webmaster will create more pages to generate more traffic from search engines and social media.
What Are The Benefits Of Posting Blog Articles?
Blog articles are great forms of content for a website. Seriously, blog posts are great for tutorials or sharing thoughts on a particular subject. Blogs are also frequently indexed on search engines which is really good since informative content can bring more website visitors.
Ranking blog posts on search engines can bring huge amounts of website traffic. Through content marketing, people can easily gain free website traffic in exchange for articles. Post high-quality blog articles and post good content that will help rankings. I would personally want my articles to be high quality for the purpose of ranking high for years to come.
The best thing about blogs is that people can subscribe to blog feeds. People can easily gain notifications of new articles released on your website. Sometimes email marketing is the best way to reach readers, people are more likely to open emails if they know you or have been on your website before.
Blogs kind of resemble a library. All the articles posted can be archived and easily searchable. Having a blog will bring a good amount of traffic to your website. Just make sure to keep posting new content in the blog section and hopefully you’ll be indexed on search engines fairly quickly.
Should I Hire Content Writers For My Website?
It depends, some people are capable of writing their own content. Some people are not able to write great content and some are in the middle.
Content Writers are usually better writers than the average person. Hiring a content writer might be beneficial because the article will have a better chance of trending online. Usually, a content writer will research a topic and then write about it. This has proven to be successful on many websites, tons of companies hire content writers. Major websites have tens of hundreds of content writers submitting articles.
If you want high-quality content then you should hire a content writer. Having a content writer that can also create customized graphics will be helpful. Images pair well with written content, especially info graphs.
Content Marketing has proven to be successful. This is why many websites are ditching traditional advertising for content marketing. Website owners notice huge amounts of website traffic when implementing content marketing. Find a good content writer who will assist your content marketing goals.
You should make sure you are hiring someone who knows how to write and research, being able to interview content writers and choose the right one is a must. You don’t want to have to go back and delete articles because you found out that the person you hired knew nothing about the subject they were writing about and you didn’t check their errors.
What About Writing On Other Websites?
Guest blogging is great, especially when the affiliate shares your website link. This can open doors to a new audience from another website. If the other website has a great following, you can benefit from writing for them. Website traffic easily increases when backlinks are forming consistently. Backlinks are good for website ranking, it is basically when another website gives credit to your website by sharing your links.
Building backlinks will keep your web traffic growing. Content that is shared between websites with links to the source is how backlinks form. The more niche and high-quality backlinks, the more likely your content will rank high on search engines. Make sure the websites are similar to your own website, we don’t want a flower shop backlinking to a mechanic shop. We want to make sure that our content matches the affiliate websites’ content, it has to be a mutual benefit between similar websites.
When guest blogging, be sure to include a link back to your website. Sharing website traffic is a great way to show two sides of the industry, two websites might have completely different content. Some companies will even go as far as to feature your article in their social media campaigns. Remember, Google loves when websites share information with each other, this is the purpose of the internet, to share.
Sharing Content To Gain Website Traffic
The final thing you can do is start posting content links on social media. Posting content on social media will help increase your website awareness. Social media is becoming more popular than search engines in recent years. The trend shows websites like Facebook inching up on Google. Especially Facebook Ads are a huge threat to Google Ads.
Social Media is a wonderful way to have people of like-minded interest read your articles. Create a Facebook Page and start posting content on your website.
Another great way to share content is in video form. Create a YouTube Channel and start posting video versions of your blog articles. These can prove helpful since people grasp information more easily with visuals. People love watching videos, especially videos that have educational or informative content.
Be sure to upload videos directly to the Facebook platform. There have been rumors that Facebook does not show YouTube-hosted videos as much as Facebook-hosted videos. The same should apply to Google Plus, promote YouTube-hosted content on Google Plus.
Video Content Is Getting A Lot Of Views
People love video content and are more likely to watch a video, just look at YouTube success as proof. Facebook is focusing on videos more than ever, with the priority being Facebook Live Videos. Facebook will notify your friends whenever a video goes live on your mobile device or desktop. Advertising on Facebook is cheaper when you promote a video rather than an image or status update. Rent Greg saves hundreds of marketing dollars every month by promoting videos rather than images. Customers are more likely to watch the videos and message with questions, the images can be repetitive or annoying.
Video content that is live obviously performs the best on average, especially on Facebook. The trick is to catch the viewer’s attention in the first 4 seconds because most people won’t even go through 10 seconds of a video. Make sure videos are like commercials, 30 seconds or less because people want information quickly. Video content is great too because people can easily reference back to videos for information. Post a video gallery on your website and let customers know about the video tutorials. Upload videos on your website that answer the most frequently asked questions by customers. Customers love to see who they are buying from and videos can be a great way to introduce yourself.
Take advantage of video content while it’s cheap because prices will eventually go up as more competitors invest in video. Run an advertisement on Facebook with a simple budget and you will see that the cost is basically a few pennies per engagement or impression. Running an advertisement on Instagram can be even cheaper, whether it be an image or video. I’m assuming since Instagram is a media content website that prices might be cheaper for media content.
Why Are Keywords Important And How Do I Find Keywords?
Websites need to have the right keyword phrases to be indexed properly by Google or Bing. Research competitors and see what keywords are being used at the moment, do research to see which keywords are trending. Finding the right keywords is about finding balance, keywords need to be easy to rank for. Having a high-volume keyword with low competition is perfect for website success. Keyword Research helps because you can identify what keywords people are looking for at the moment. Competition for those keywords can come down to having a great website and having great content on the website.
Many websites have a blog section and for good reason. Blogs produce words that are keywords, the more words you have, the higher the chance of those words or keywords being indexed. When the words were written appear in the search engines, we suddenly gain website traffic because Google notices those words in blog posts. If the website is informative, and users find the information useful, Google bumps it up in the rankings. The same goes if the website is not informative and misinforms readers on the original topic being displayed.
Submitting Content Faster To Google Via Google URL Submit
Open Google and type “Google URL Submitter”. There will be a slot where you can place links from your website and submit them to Google. By submitting links to Google, you are telling Google to crawl your website and thus you will be ranked faster on the search engines. Submitting links can be beneficial and can result in shorter wait times, we all want our content to rank as soon as possible.
Submitting URLs to Bing is a little different, you must submit the primary website instead of individual links on the website. For example, instead of being able to submit a blog post, you can only submit your homepage. Register for Bing Webmaster Tools if you want to submit individual links to Bings search engine system. Google is a little more flexible with link submissions overall.
For the most part, the focus is on Bing and Google. Yahoo is a part of Bing, Yandex is the Russian Google, and Baidu is the Chinese Google. We want to mainly focus on Google and Bing, especially if we are dealing with American businesses. My business is in California and most of the people in California tend to use one of the two major search engines.
This feature has been discontinued since the end of 2018 (updated: 3/1/2019)
Use SEO To Gain Higher Search Engine Results
Every website page must have great Search Engine Optimization (SEO) because Google is crawling your website and indexing it. We want to have a website that ranks high in the search results because the closer to the top, the more likely people will click the link. Having a high search rank is going to bring better website traffic, building on momentum will be beneficial. SEO can include properly putting ALT tags on images so Google can identify what image is being displayed on your page. Having correct titles with answers that are informative is also a great SEO technique, the longer someone is on the website, the better. Google takes this as a sign that people are reading, watching videos, and generally interested in what your website offers.
Continue to write blog posts as much as possible, blog posts are great for helping the homepage get higher in search results. Each page has power in helping the homepage get to a better rank and posts in the form of blog articles tend to do great in search engines as well. Blog posts with 1,000 to 2,000 words usually do well on the internet, most blog posts are under one thousand words. If you are not able to perform SEO on blog posts or website content, hire a team to do the work for you. Search Engine Optimization will bring website traffic, and when used with social media marketing, the results are tremendously positive.
Utilize Plugins Like Yoast SEO
When using WordPress, download the plugin Yoast SEO, this plugin can help with SEO. Yoast SEO will submit a Sitemap_index.xml to Google which allows your website to be viewed and indexed by Search Engines. Another benefit of Yoast SEO is that meta titles, descriptions, and slugs can be edited to show better wording on search engines. Readability scores are given by Yoast to ensure that your content is high-quality and easily readable by Google standards. Having SEO plugins can help rankings and Rent Greg uses Yoast Premium SEO on this website. Being able to list multiple keywords helps the website rank for multiple terms instead of just one per page/post.
Google Analytics For Tracking Website Growth
Another suggestion is downloading Google Analytics, keeping track of keywords and viewing the most profitable search terms. Keep track of user data, for example, view where most of the traffic sources are coming from in the first place. This key information can help you learn about where users are coming from and how to retain users. Google Analytics keeps track of locations, social media, etc. It’s a great tool to use when you want to keep track of website data and use the data to increase website traffic. Analytics is way more sophisticated in comparison to a website visitor counter, Google has created a high detail program for users.

My name is Greg and I have 20 years of experience in creating and managing websites. I have 6+ million views collectively on social media platforms like Quora, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Contact me to get your website optimized for search engines.