The theme on this website is currently Divi by Elegant Themes, it’s been modified because I wanted to make the website look a certain way, I added and removed a lot of code.
A lot of my clients are the opposite, they don’t use Divi, usually, their website will come to me with Elementor already installed with their theme, their past webmaster implemented it.
Elementor and Divi are both great website-building applications to use on WordPress but you have to choose one if you do choose between the two (can’t run both apps at once).
Elementor Is Easy To Use
Most of my clients don’t want to ever convert their website to Divi and some of them will actually ask me to show the difference, it usually comes down to Elementor being a bit easier to use.
Elementor has a more basic look and is pretty straightforward, you can learn how to use Elementor in a few hours and start making edits to your own website without a webmaster.
That’s probably why many developers install Elementor on WordPress because it’s just easy for them to build the website that way instead of coding, plus it’s easier for the website owner.
Divi Is More Customizable
I can’t imagine not using Divi right now, I don’t want a website with code and photoshop spliced images, and I don’t want to really use free or other premade skins for my website.
I like the fact that WordPress allows an easy way to blog and create posts, including Divi with that thought and I’m a happy camper, it’s truly one of the most customizable themes I’ve seen.
The best part is the theme is extremely attractive and very easy to modify to your liking, if you’re a beginner you might need a few tutorials but after you’ll be on Divi for hours working!
It Comes Down To Preference
Do you want a website-building application on your WordPress that is easy to use at a glance and pretty straightforward, choose Elementor.
Do you want a website-building application on your WordPress that is more customizable but harder to learn the first few times, choose Divi.
Of course, there are other factors to consider between the two applications like which one makes the website load quicker (they are almost the same).
Elementor is free and has a premium version, you have to pay for Divi (it’s $89 a year or $250 for life, which is worth it to me), you can use Divi on multiple websites too.
Other Theme Options For You
You can always browse around for free themes on the WordPress dashboard in Appearances -> Themes -> Add New, there are hundreds of free themes available right now.
You’ll be able to find a bunch of free themes that you can use, play around with the free themes, and use HTML/CSS to customize them.
If you can learn how to code basic HTML/CSS then you can take a free theme and make it just like a premium theme, add code to the theme.
There are so many premium themes on the web, I would recommend Divi by Elegant Themes but search around, some websites still use Beaver Builder!

My name is Greg and I have 20 years of experience in creating and managing websites. I have 6+ million views collectively on social media platforms like Quora, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Contact me to get your website optimized for search engines.