SEO tools are helpful when you are trying to gather analytical data which then can be used to push your website upward in search engine rankings. There are a number of free SEO tools that I use myself that have been extremely helpful when I’m looking for search engine data for a website. These free SEO tools include:
SEMRush allows up to 10 free requests per day on their online program. The program costs about $120 per month to start and comes with a free 7-day trial, but even without the trial, if you sign-up for an account you can use the 10 free requests per day. You’ll be able to see limited data but at least you’ll see some of your top keywords that you rank for on search engines.
Along with that information, you’ll be able to look up similar websites to you and compare the data to see if maybe you can rank for certain keywords with a good amount of volume or traffic. SEMRush is definitely helpful and the free version can give you much insight into your website like how many backlinks you have, your domain authority, etc. I periodically use SEMRush for my own website and I definitely use the information to help rank for better keywords that will help produce more website traffic.
I think the paid version is worth the buy but sometimes it can be a lot for someone who isn’t doing SEO on a daily basis. I’ve bought the paid subscription and have seen the benefits such as seeing the majority of the keywords and phrases that I rank for on search engines which is highly valuable information to me. Here’s a link to a SEMRush 7-day trial if you want to try it.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics is very important to me because I can get a clear idea of who is visiting my website and how my website is progressing on a weekly basis. Having years of data about my website can help me learn about what I’m doing right and what I’m doing wrong. I can see if my advertising and marketing efforts are actually attracting people from the right demographics, locations, etc.
Google Analytics is free and takes a few minutes to install, I am on Google Analytics on almost a daily basis because I want to know what is going on with my website. I want to know that people are actually visiting my website on a daily basis and if not then I have to think of a way to attract new website traffic.
Having this data is helpful when you want to save money on advertising because you can see what type of person visits your website, if thousands of people from New York are visiting your website already then maybe you should spend money advertising in the New York area? Google Analytics organizes your website traffic information and shows you what’s going on.
Here’s a link with more information about Google Analytics.
I love this website and it’s free for up to 7 requests per day, that’s 7 websites that you can look up in a 24-hour time span. You can see how well your website is performing according to SEOptimer which pulls some great information about your website with their program. You can see what fine changes you can make to your website to improve search engine performance.
SEOptimer has been especially helpful for me, I scan my website at least once a week with their free program and I’ll always scan new websites that contact me through their program. Of course, I love using other programs like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTMetrix but SEOptimer gives a detailed list of information that most people can visually understand.
I think the average website owner can understand SEOptimer and can apply changes on their own website without outside assistance. These types of SEO tools are especially helpful for people who want to provide a quick SEO report for a website, I think everyone should check out this website and give the free website scan a try, there is no sign-up required.
I found these free SEO tools to be especially helpful when I was starting out but I still use all these tools to this day. I think the paid version for SEMRush is definitely worth the buy but you can also check out similar programs like Moz, SpyFu, SerpStats, etc.

My name is Greg and I have 20 years of experience in creating and managing websites. I have 6+ million views collectively on social media platforms like Quora, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Contact me to get your website optimized for search engines.