Remove Backlinks With SEMRush

Remove Backlinks With SEMRush

SEMRush has a new feature where you can scan your backlinks and see which ones are toxic to your website URL. Just follow these steps on the website: 1. Login to your SEMrush account and select the Backlink Audit tool from the menu. 2. Enter the URL of the website...
What Is The Point Of An Email Newsletter?

What Is The Point Of An Email Newsletter?

I’ve seen people get a higher reach with their brand audience from their email newsletter instead of social media, emails don’t have an algorithm, you see them and you click them. Emails are not like search engines and social media, such as in social media...
Do Plugins Slow Down WordPress?

Do Plugins Slow Down WordPress?

It depends on which plugin you are using, certain plugins will slow down WordPress while some might speed WordPress up such as cache or lazy load type plugins. It’s important to research a plugin before you install the plugin on your WordPress website, you...
How Do You Prevent Online Hackings?

How Do You Prevent Online Hackings?

The first step is to probably limit the amount of data we give to other applications or websites. A lot of us are guilty of just unknowingly giving our information to databases without even wondering what could happen. Most hackings are because the person gave access...
Should You Transfer A WIX Website?

Should You Transfer A WIX Website?

It’s something that a lot of WIX website owners wonder about, should they transfer their WIX website onto another web hosting platform where they can create a website from scratch or possibly use something like WordPress. At the end of the day, WIX owns your...