Removing fake reviews is part of being a webmaster, you have to periodically remove fake reviews that customers receive on their Google profile. Fake reviews happen to a lot of people/brands and more often than you think. You have to manually submit the fake reviews/comments to Google and the process can take multiple weeks before a resolution.
These disputes made to Google can take weeks to be taken care of and sometimes the resolution you are looking for might not happen. Many fake reviews do stay on Google Maps even if you make Google aware with a report and/or dispute. Once Google makes a decision on your review, it’s usually final, multiple appeals to Google usually fail.
If you did not write the review then you can not remove the review, only Google or the original writer of the review can delete the review.
How To Contact Google Support
Scroll to the bottom and there should be a button where you can contact Google support via their chat option and then you might be able to talk to Google support on the phone if they contact the phone number you have provided.
Press the Contact us button and wait on the chat until a Google agent takes your request, you can usually connect to an agent in less than 10 minutes.
How To Remove A Fake Review On Google
If you need to remove a fake review, click the 3 vertical dots on the right side of the review (in the photo above) and click Report review.
This is how you can dispute the fake review on Google, this is the first step you should take when trying to remove fake or 1-star reviews.
After you choose the reason why you want to remove this review from your Google listing then press Send report. It will take up to 72 hours for Google to respond to you but now you will be able to have communication with Google Support.
Then go into Google chat support and follow up with more information or proof that you have that can dispel the fake review from your reviews section. Google will usually respond in 72 hours to your report about a fake Google review. You can appeal with Google multiple times if you are denied but once they make a decision on your review status, it’s usually a firm decision.
The best way to actually remove a review is to actually know who wrote the review, then you can contact that person and ask them if they are willing to change their opinion or remove the review. That’s actually the best way to remove a bad review on Google, contacting the original reviewer.
Here are some helpful tips for keeping your Google account in good standing:
- Do not purchase reviews, Google can tell where the review came from based on the IP address which can then effect your rankings.
- Do not write back to the review, once you write a response then Google believes you actually knew the person you are responding to, thus the review must be real in their logic.
- Do not create fake accounts and write reviews, even using a VPN will not help, Google can identify the network you are posting from (your ISP – internet service provider info).
Contact Long Island Webmaster To Remove Reviews
If you need help removing fake reviews or negative reviews on Google then be sure to contact Long Island Webmaster and we will appeal the reviews for you. Most people hate bad or 1-star reviews, this doesn’t have many benefits for a business, let’s remove these fake or bad reviews.
No business should suffer from fake or negative reviews from vindictive people looking to destroy legitimate businesses, I am on your side and would like to assist you with regaining the reputation and integrity of your business that is being stripped by outside sources, I will help you remove those bad reviews on Google, just let me know by using the contact form on the main page of this website.
Usually the person who is writing the bad review knows you! Even if the person is writing a fake review under a fake account, most of the time that person will know you! You might have done something to that person that they deemed “unfair” and now they are lashing against your business through Google and other review platforms.

My name is Greg and I have 20 years of experience in creating and managing websites. I have 6+ million views collectively on social media platforms like Quora, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Contact me to get your website optimized for search engines.