A lot of website owners that have contacted me want to improve their website search engine rankings along with their website performance. But many of them were using website building applications which limited their options in ranking on search engines.
I find a lot of website owners use website builder applications provided by companies like GoDaddy and Wix, but sooner or later they want to make a leap and leave the website builder behind. A lot of website owners will then upgrade their hosting plan while using WordPress to manage their website, I’ve seen many people on managed WordPress plans with GoDaddy.
I believe in time that website building programs will become more progressive but right now, we are in the beginning stages of automation and artificial intelligence, I can see big improvements in the next decade when you’ll be able to build a website using touch-motion and voice command. But right now, you are better off picking another hosting plan like a VPS (virtual private server) or a dedicated server, then you should have someone code your website template or you can install a program like WordPress to manage your content, you can use a premade template like Divi.
It literally takes a few minutes to set up a WordPress website and from there you can download a theme editor like Elementor or Divi. It’s not hard to make changes on your WordPress website and you can hire a webmaster or WordPress specialist to help you drill down the small bits.
You are going to have more control over your website when you have access to the file manager which is usually provided with cPanel with your VPS and dedicated hosting plans. Believe me, you are going to rank better on search engines with a great website hosting plan (VPS or Dedicated), and then paired along with WordPress or your own custom-coded website, you can find premade HTML/CSS templates all over the web for free.
I hate to say this but the website builder applications are very basic and designed to ease people into the world of website building and management. People can spend hours on the website builder and get ideas on what they want on their website in the future.
Many of the large tech companies are offering free website builders, I believe Google has a free website service you can use that comes with a basic website builder, I’d say Wix and GoDaddy have definitely put more research and development into their website building programs. Squarespace and Weebly are great options too, but once again, you’re eventually going to want to upgrade your website hosting for SEO purposes as well as other factors.
I can understand why people are using website-building applications but at the same time, you have to be quick to adapt and you should want your website to rank along with the other listings on search engines. A big part of search ranking is your hosting plan, a good server helps more than ever, I don’t think the websites hosted on website building applications get the same resources like a website that is paying for VPS or dedicated services.

My name is Greg and I have 20 years of experience in creating and managing websites. I have 6+ million views collectively on social media platforms like Quora, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Contact me to get your website optimized for search engines.