From years of experience dealing with website hosting companies, I would say that HostGator and GoDaddy have the best customer service with Google making improvements by phone and chat, Google might catch up soon.
Private Servers Are The Best
Of course, you can find a private website hosting company that will give you space on their server, they will manage the databases and the server while you operate your website from a Cpanel dashboard.
You can get private customer support, access to a server/database specialist 24/7, and various other perks that come with hiring a private company to manage your website hosting.
If this option is not available to you then you should focus on choosing one of the big web hosting providers like GoDaddy, BlueHost, Wix, and the list goes on.
GoDaddy Has Really Great Customer Support
I personally feel that GoDaddy provides the easiest and fastest support. The thing I don’t like about GoDaddy is that random items that you never requested might end up in your shopping cart without your permission. Other than that, you can find that GoDaddy specialists usually find the quick answers to your web problems and will implement them usually without a fee.
But that’s changing as the years pass by, GoDaddy is starting to charge money for helping their customers with tasks while before that wasn’t the case, it was free most of the time. Most hosting companies will never charge you money if there is a server error because that’s usually something they have to handle which is a good part of being hosted by these companies.
BlueHost, HostMonster, And HostGator Are Great Too!
BlueHost has a great customer service team and the same goes for their cousin companies HostMonster and HostGator.
Endurance International Group (EIG) owns BlueHost, HostMonster, and HostGator, along with a few other big-name website hosting companies like FatCow. I would say that BlueHost has the best customer support service.
I usually tell people to go on BlueHost if they have experience already operating a website, GoDaddy is great for all levels but you see a lot of “beginners” start there, and many might stay there and become “advanced”.
What About Wix?
I have heard people complain about Wix but they have some great email support, and people shouldn’t get mad that they have to get support via email for their website. Emails are quick and usually have more information for you than a telephone call would, we live in an era where you can easily look at the FAQ or find the answer to your question.
I would just think about which company has been around for years and has been providing decent service, even Google Cloud and AWS haven’t figured out a way to really help their customers with their support problems. Look to the big web hosting companies to lead the way when it comes to customer service, after all, they are focused on providing website hosting services.
Talk To Your Webmaster
I hope you or your webmaster can decide on a website hosting company that is going to provide excellent performance, you want to make sure the server is fast and secure then worry about the customer service. The big website hosting companies are usually focused on performance and security, pair some great customer service and you have a long-term relationship waiting, your online business can thrive for years.
I think a lot of people (especially webmasters) would love to get their own server tower that they run 24/7. Most webmasters if asked would prefer to manage their own hosting company for their clients but it’s a full-time job plus some! It might be a better idea to have the website hosting companies provide their service while your webmaster creates and manages your website along the way.

My name is Greg and I have 20 years of experience in creating and managing websites. I have 6+ million views collectively on social media platforms like Quora, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Contact me to get your website optimized for search engines.